By supporting independent journalism with a donation of $250, you can earn the gift of a ticket to an award-winning annual party that celebrates local winners in the Charleston City Paper’s 2021 Best of Charleston contest.  Readers cast more than a million votes in the contest earlier this year.

The private party will be held Sept. 29 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., on the grounds of Firefly Distillery in North Charleston.  The Dubplates will perform as guests enjoy drinks, carnival games and more in three areas celebrating the tropics.

Tickets are limited and go to Best of Charleston winners in more than 400 categories along with sponsors and special guests. For the first time, you can earn the gift of a ticket with a donation to a new nonprofit dedicated to independent and nonprofit journalism in South Carolina, the S.C. Institute of Independent Journalism. Your donation of $250 is tax-deductible to the extent provided by federal law.  

 To donate $250 securely through Stripe, click here.