I’m very mich looking forward to participating in the “John Crain Birthday Jam” at Art’s Bar & Grill (413 Coleman Blvd., Mt Pleasant) this evening in honor of fine local musician and longtime good friend of mine.

When he’s not at his day job or hanging out with Shannon and Max in north Mt. Pleasant, John Crain plays bass (four-string, five-sting, and/or eight-string) and sings in a handful of local bands. I met him 20 years ago in Athens, Ga., during my freshmen year at UGA. In 1990, we formed a really strange rock trio called Roosevelt and recorded and toured a’plenty over three or four years. Currently, he and I play occasionally as The Stiff Joints (or The Pits, as a bass/drums duo). We also play together with local funk band Booty Call and jam in as the rhythm section with bar band Spunjwurthi.

Crain’s a “go-to guy” for rock bass work. He celebrates the big “4-0” with a jam session featuring guitarists Marty Parker (Stoff Joints, Travis Alison Band) and Daniel Pruitt (Roosevelt), sax player/keyboardist Alan Brisendine (Booty Call, Vehicle, Unisol), vocalist Alison Tysinger (Party Mouth), and, hopefully, many others. It should be a ruby.

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