Ryan Adams and the Cardinals

Wed. March 11

North Charleston Performing Arts Center

Let’s pray for actress Mandy Moore’s sake that singer/songwriter Ryan Adams has more stamina and commitment to his married life than he does on stage. Adams, who wed the bombshell actress in Savannah the day prior to this Charleston show, must have been anxious to get offstage to his new bride.

After three songs at the Performing Arts Center, Adams asked the audience to “be cool” while they reset their in-ear monitors — he claimed they were all hearing a radio station. Apparently the problem persisted, but after the five-minute break (with house lights on), Adams said they’d persevere and “make this awesome.” The nearly sold-out crowd roared in approval. But as awesome as “Goodnight Rose” and “I See Monsters” were, it was hard not to feel slighted when the show ended after just under an hour. “This song’s about Satan and fucking,” said Adams before striking into a one-and-a-half-minute “Magick.”

And that was it. Lights up, band gone, no encore. Adams made no apologies about his lack of humility on stage — he’s known for freak-outs and erratic behavior. Adams’ declaration of his retirement from music seems brief as well — he told the crowd he’d be back. But with an artist who seems more interested in himself than his band or his audience, attending a Ryan Adams show is like roulette. Last year’s show was awesome. This time, it was lame. (www.cardinology.com) —Stratton Lawrence

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