On Sat. July 25 at 4 and 7 p.m., the Greater Park Circle Film Society will show Dark Days, a documentary about a group of homeless people who have taken up residence in an abandoned New York City subway tunnel. After the evening showing, the group will also host a forum on homelessness. As for why the film society chose to hold a forum after the 7 p.m. screening, GPCFS board member Nicholai Burton says, “Our group has three main goals: to share great films, to build community, and to educate. Dark Days really hits all three.

Directed by Marc Singer, the film took home three awards from the Sundance Film Festival. “[Singer] was amazed by how many homeless people he saw after moving to Manhattan. He made friends with some of them and began living underground with them in an attempt to understand the situation and help them out financially,” Burton says.

Burton notes that homelessness isn’t specific to New York; as you know, there are plenty of homeless folks in Charleston. “Hosting a community forum with panelists who battle homelessness was an obvious choice,” he says. “It’s a chance to educate our audience about what’s going on around them, and maybe even inspire them to help improve the lives of others.”

Tickets are $2/members, $5/non-members. The film will be shown at South of Broadway Theatre, 1080 E. Montague Ave. For more information, call (843) 478-3911 or visit parkcirclefilms.org.

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