Denny’s might have Baconalia, a celebration of the magic of bacon in all its glory, but we’ve got a serious bacon explosion coming our way. And this won’t be a lineup of your generic Smithfield pork products (sorry Denny’s). The Glass Onion will have pork belly, Benton’s bacon, and a world-renowned expert on hand to be a part of the dinner. Actually guest Ari Weinzweig is much more than a bacon expert, he’s a food guru, the guy who started the world famous Zingerman’s in Ann Arbor, Mich.


Since opening Zingerman’s Delicatessen in 1982, Weinzweig and his partner Paul Saginaw have built a tasty food empire that’s an innovative model for entrepreneurialism. From that first deli has sprung a creamery, a roadhouse, a bakehouse, a mail-order food business, and a press among a bunch of other operations.

The press is where they release cool books, like the Zingerman’s Guide to Better Bacon. In that essential publication, Weinzweig chronicles the history of “the olive oil of America” and provides recipes for things like bacon fat mayo and an oyster and bacon hangtown fry.

The Glass Onion has not yet released the menu for this special dinner, but we can only hope it will feature lots of innovative uses for America’s favorite meat. Weinzweig will be there on Tues. April 12 to sign books and talk bacon. For $35 (or $60, with book), you too can enjoy a night of porcine goodness. We’d highly recommend it.

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