We’ll be getting another national media blitz in the coming weeks as several shows are set to air Charleston segments.

On Mon. Jan. 16 at 10 p.m. on the Food Network, the first Charlestonians pop up on Guy Fieri’s Diners Drive-Ins and Dives, which recorded here back in the fall. The episode is “all animal,” according to the description, and will be profiling the Tattooed Moose’s legendary Duck Club along with some food in Queens and Vancouver.

Joe Raya (left) and Zane Lamprey
  • Joe Raya (left) and Zane Lamprey

On HDNet (carried by DirecTV, Dish, Berkeley Cable, Knology, and Southern Cable), the show Drinking Made Easy will air Wed. Feb. 1 at 8 p.m. Host Zane Lamprey drank his way across town, stopping for a Southern Screwdriver and some country ham at Husk before heading to the Gin Joint to try and make their most popular six cocktails in six minutes. He also went to Red’s Ice House on Shem Creek for a pitcher of Firefly Lemonade and some dolphin watching, Grill 225 for a Nitrotini, and FIG for some perfectly measured Negronis. Finally, he and crew trekked out to Firefly Distillery on Wadmalaw for some sweet tea vodka. I watched a screener of the episode, and there are some funny things that go down, but the money shot has to be the Six Pack Challenge, which had them playing underwater hockey.

Andrew Zimmern was also here recently, stopping by Bowens and Bessingers for his Travel Channel show Bizarre Foods. The Charleston episode is slated to air on March 5.

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