In one of the more unexpected musical pairings of the season, the Explorers Club — Charleston’s nationally renowned modern-day Beach Boys — will play a benefit show with Mechanical River, Experimental Artist of the Year from the 2012 City Paper Music Awards. On Sat. Dec. 1 in front of James Island’s How Art Thou? Café, the two bands will play a set to help end human trafficking.

The concert has a sad origin story: On March 18, How Art Thou co-owner Joshua Miller died in a car accident on Folly Road while driving home to pick up his wife. Eight months later, the café and wine bar is still in business, and the management is carrying on his vision of using the space for good causes. The concert is meant to raise awareness of human trafficking in coordination with the A21 Campaign, which operates transition homes for trafficking victims in Greece, Ukraine, and Bulgaria.

The show starts at 8 p.m. on a stage in the parking lot. Donations will be accepted.

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