Well, it’s Good Friday and the Holy City is getting its first sultry, steamy look, thanks to TVGuide.com, at the “taboo-busting” CBS courtroom drama Reckless, set in Charleston, set to premiere this summer.

The trailer appears set on any normal color-corrected Charleston day, with a blood-red slithering snake ssssymbolizing its way across the white marble stepsss in front of a hot and bass drum-filled Charleston County courthouse. Cut to Cam Gigandet wiping the sweat off his brow … Anna Wood tossing aside her red shoes. It’s just too hot for heels.

“If you can’t stand the heat,” a title reads. Wait for it…

A sudden turn of events reveals a close-up of an ice cube drawn across Wood’s bare neckline, drawing a glance from a (still) sweaty Gigandet.

“Stay out of their courtroom.” Boom. It’s apparently still hot.

Cue more snake and fluttering papers, undoubtedly essential legal documents cast aside in the hasty (and hot) move to grab a seat next to one of Charleston’s famous courthouse serpents.

Phew! If you haven’t had enough already, Reckless premieres Sunday, June 29 on CBS.

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