Sometimes you have to crash a tailgate party, and on Saturday we headed out to do just that at the Medal of Honor Bowl. Since it was the weekend, the day necessitated booze, so we did what anyone would do and tried to find where the biggest crowd was congregating. Standing near a large group of people was our gateway to cocktails — and it worked.

Somehow we found ourselves in line for some drinks, and the commentary of those queuing with us was hysterical. Speculation as to what type of wine should have been served with Sheila’s “shitty” salmon casserole last night was the topic of choice. We have no idea what a salmon casserole is, but it was not a hit, apparently. We also wondered what event it could have possibly been brought to. A birthday? Retirement party? A quinceañera? Was Sheila a terrible person who was not supposed to be on the guest list, or was her chock-full-o-salmon casserole just notoriously shitty? We wanted a sample and a backstory. Meanwhile, adjacent to the booze tent, was a game of “Redneck Horseshoes.” We didn’t know horseshoes could be further “rednecked,” but oh it can. Basically, the player heaves a discarded, empty beer bottle at a bucket around three yards away. It seemed popular with the children, because you have to start them off early, one guesses.

After a glorious nap, we ventured out in the afternoon to the Cainhoy Cookin’ Depot in Wando. To our surprise, Wando is not just a high school and a river. We went for their “pay-what-you-think-it’s-worth” menu for restaurant week but arrived too early. So we paid exactly $15.25 for mac and cheese and a three-piece chicken with slaw. It’s a good little spot tucked away for those looking for typical Southern fare during the day. At night we we’re told that the menu is drastically different and something that you might find downtown. We’ll be back to check that out at a more appropriate time in the future.

Sunday Funday marked the first Second Sunday of the new year. The event is now in its fourth year, if you can believe it, and it was all started by Jamie Price. In fact, Price was rejected not once, not twice, nor even thrice, but four times before given approval for the idea. But we’re glad he was persistent. Closing the street is somewhat reminiscent of days of yore where only a cable car was allowed down the street with pedestrians on either side of it. As a side note, we witnessed a toddler laying in the street that reminded us of our college days at La Hacienda when King Street had to re-route traffic around us. Times have changed, the street has not.

Having said that, Second Sunday is a great way to bring your dogs and overly talkative uncles downtown for an event that enriches the city by simply closing off a street for promenading. And who doesn’t want to down a Greek salad like a boss in front of The Rivera? Doing Second Sunday on King feels like an open hug, and we can only thank the folks involved with the event’s creation.

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