The Gibbes Museum of Art, which reopened this past May after two and a half years of renovations, debuts two 2017 exhibitions highlighting two American artists: Jacob Lawerence and West Fraser. The exhibitions open on Jan. 28 and will run until April 30, 2017.

History, Labor, Life: The Prints of Jacob Lawrence will feature a comprehensive overview of the printmaking work of Jacob Lawrence (who passed away in 2000) between 1963 and the year of his death. Lawrence, who was African American who created works that commented on African-American community life, work, struggle, and emancipation. The exhibition, which was organized by SCAD Museum of Art in conjunction with the Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, features over 90 works.

“Lawrence’s bold and narrative style tells an important story about working life in American history,” says Angela Mack, executive director of the Gibbes. “While his slice-of-life portrayals offer a window into African-American history, his work reflects challenging issues that will resonate with visitors today.”

The Gibbes’ other exhibition, Painting the Southern Coast: The Art of West Fraser, will feature about 25 paintings from Charleston-based painter West Fraser. The artist paints in the plein air tradition. Many of Fraser’s works include landscape scenes from the South Carolina coast. Learn more at

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