Five days since the tragic shooting at Virginia’s on King that left Executive Chef Shane Whiddon dead, the RiverDogs will honor his memory. Tonight Charleston’s Single A baseball team will have a moment of silence in honor of Whiddon. Then Whiddon’s sons will throw out this evening’s first pitch.

“We know going to the games was a special thing for the family, so we wanted to do something for the boys,” says Ben Abzug, RiverDogs assistant general manager.

Matt Dean, RiverDogs’ director of broadcasting and media relations, adds that the announcer will also direct guests to the stadium’s Fans Services stand to learn how to donate to the GoFundMe account created to support Whiddon’s boys. As of 4 p.m., the GoFundMe campaign had reached $115,625.

Tonight the RiverDogs play the Hickory Crawdads. The game starts at 7:05 p.m.

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