Last week, IllVibeTheTribe used their event Art Binge at the Royal American to collect donations to send to Barbuda, an island devastated recently by Hurricane Irma. The culture curators were able to collect everything from toothbrushes and women’s sanitary products to low-top sneakers and bags of clothing, but they’re not stopping there. The trio have joined forces with Eastside Soul Food (46A America St.) to continue collecting items the island’s victims need the most.

Those items include medical items, toiletries, and more — a full list of most-needed donations is here.

The Tribe is sending collections to a location in Miami that is collecting mass donations from New York, Atlanta, and, now, Charleston. “And they’re sending to the island of Antigua, which is being sent by ferry to Barbuda and to the shelters like Sir Vivian Richards Stadium — being used as a temporary shelter — and the National Technical Training Centre,” Hyman says. “ is where you can find more drop stations but there are none in South Carolina besides what we’ve started thus far.”

Hyman adds that folks should keep in mind the island climate when donating clothing—no winter coats, for example. “I was on the phone with one of the donation organizers today actually and she said they had to send a lot of things back because it wasn’t appropriate wear for the people on the island,” she says.

You can drop off donations at Eastside Soul Food during business hours Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. “We will be looking to confirm more spots,” says the Tribe’s Sabrina Hyman. “If more people would like to open their venue, restaurant, or business, they can contact us at and we can talk more.”

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