The Pour House
1977 Maybank Hwy. James Island


Whether you’re a Dead Head regular on Wednesdays or prefer the Sunday Brunch crowd, you’ll always spot a handful of friendly fidos at the Pour House. The Deck can get loud, but for diehard audiophiles, their pups probably are used to deep bass and guitar riffs. You’ve gotta keep the pups on a leash — the traffic on Maybank Hwy. is no joke, plus Pour House is a music venue, first and foremost, not a dog park. But with the crowd this spot draws, you’re bound to run into more dog lovers than not. During the Sunday Brunch Farmers Market, be sure to swing by Pet Wants, a vendor proffering all-natural, high quality pet treats. Our pup loves the house- made beef jerky.

The Barrel
1859 Folly Road. James Island


There’s something about James Island that makes it feel uber welcoming to the four-legged crowd. And The Barrel is about as welcoming a spot as you could conjure up — this place was built to cater to dog owners who like to sip while their pooches romp. If you have a scaredy-cat instead of a brave bruiser (or a hound who likes to follow her nose for miles without pause) there’s a fenced in run along the side of the property that is great for safe-keeping. Don’t wear white, don’t drop your beer glass on a hard surface, and keep an open mind (and arms). This is a dog’s world, we’re just living in it.

Palmetto Islands County Park
444 Needlerush Pky.
Mt. Pleasant


If you live in Mt. Pleasant — or just want to frequent one of the area’s hidden gems, then you and your four-legged fluffs will want to check out Palmetto Islands County Park. While the dog park portion of the park is perfectly acceptable — we’re all about tall fences and convenient water fountains — we usually skip the dog park and head straight for the trails. Paved trails (easier on feet and paws if you ask us) lead along the water and to a dock, where you can catch families shipping out on kayaks or catching fish in the creek. The plethora of flora and fauna, and the killer marsh view are rare in any part of town — and we’re just glad we get to experience the beauty with our best friends.

Freehouse Brewery
2895 Pringle St. North Charleston


Freehouse Brewery is like a cabin in the woods … except it’s a warehouse on the water. There’s plenty of seating both inside and out, and it’s all pleasantly rustic AF so you don’t feel bad that your already sort of muddy pup is romping around. The Ashley Farmhouse saison always tastes good (trust us), and the brewery cat named Pringles is a hilariously fierce — and damn fearless — guard cat. Do yourself a favor, naughty dog owners, and when you get the urge to make a trip out of the house for beer with your doesn’t-know-even-the-most-basic-commands pup, head to Freehouse. Just remind fido to steer clear of Pringles.

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