Stanfield Gray, co-founder and CEO of Dig South was named one of Time magazine’s “31 People Changing the South.” Gray’s selection is part of the mag’s “South Issue,” which explores the politically, culturally, and economically changing American South.

“The recognition by Time magazine is an exceptional win for entrepreneurs in Charleston and across the South,” said Stanfield Gray in a press release this week. “Our team is grateful for this honor and thrilled to contribute to the success of thousands of emerging and established innovators.”

Since Dig South was founded in 2012 with Kickstarter funding, the 3-day conference has welcomed more than 10,000 attendees, 2,000 of them in 2018 alone. More than 150 speakers are slated for 2019 and high-level buzzy topics include marketing, cryptocurrency technology, and health care tech.

Gray’s mug is featured alongside other southern figures selected by Time including Georgia’s Democratic nominee for governor Stacey Abrams, Bitter Southerner editor Chuck Reece, Raleigh chef Ashley Christensen, and more. The issue is available online now and will hit newsstands Aug. 6.

For more information about Stanfield, visit For more on Dig South, visit

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