As Parkland student survivors visited Charleston last week, MTV News sat down with a number of local students, teachers, and education professionals to discuss guns and gun reform (or lack thereof) in South Carolina.

Parkland students stopped at College of Charleston as part of a national tour following a wave of activism that came after a former student shot his way into their school and killed seventeen people.

Among those in the MTV News report are City Paper columnist KJ Kearney, a career specialist in Charleston County schools, and former CP intern Malachi Jones, a recent School of the Arts grad attending Columbia University in the fall.

Most places are, these days, but Charleston residents are especially familiar with the impact that mass shootings can have on a community. That said, almost nothing has been done in the state legislature since the racist murder of nine black worshippers at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston more than three years ago.

“We’re just sitting ducks at this point … There’s no real sense of, ‘I’m safe here,'” Jones said.

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