Partnering with the South Carolina Collaborative for Race and Reconciliation, the Charleston County Public Library has created a special book club in Cynthia Graham Hurd’s name.

The Cynthia Graham Hurd Book Club is scheduled to be a year-long program beginning Sept. 2019 for teens grades six-12. The topics will be centered around social justice issues.

Hurd’s brothers, Melvin Graham and Malcolm Graham (who leads the Cynthia Graham Hurd Foundation) took the initiative to launch this club, with additional contributions from the S.C Carolina Collaborative for Race and Reconciliation, who plan to provide free books to registered members.

In a press release Darlene Jackson, a colleague of Hurd’s and deputy director of CCPL says, ““Cynthia was very passionate about providing equitable access to education. We believe this will continue to keep her legacy alive in enhancing literacy and the understanding of social and community issues.”

Find out where you can grab your free copy and check out the Cynthia Graham Hurd Book Club schedule online

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