[embed-1] Every month Creative Mornings HQ comes up with a new topic for chapters around the globe to discuss. July’s topic/theme/buzzword is “End,” which at first may seem a bit dire. But as CM puts it, ends aren’t always bad: “Ends are unique opportunities in disguise. They allow us to make meaning out of our past relationships, experiences, projects, and seasons in life.”

Creative Mornings Charleston hosts their monthly lecture at the Alley on Fri. July 26 at 8 a.m. It’s free to attend, but be sure to register once tickets go live on Mon. July 22 at 10 a.m. — these talks almost always reach capacity.

The speakers for ‘End’ are Robin Berlinsky, the executive director of nonprofit Engaging Creative Minds (ECM), and Andrew McGlaughon, the organization’s director of development, strategy, and communications.

ECM works to “inspire students to become imaginative, adaptable, and productive adults, resulting in stronger communities and a more capable South Carolina workforce.”

Learn more about ECM online and peek a Q&A with Berlinsky and McGlaughon online at creativemornings.com/cities/chs.

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