Dorian could reach category three strength by the time it potentially makes landfall on the East Coast by Monday. Source: Washington Post

According to @chswx, don’t obsess over Dorian just yet – there’s a potential for two to three hours of tidal flooding on Thurs. night, which would cause road closures and travel issues. Source: Chswx twitter
South Carolina teachers work an average of an extra 46 days a year of overtime unpaid according to a survey from SCforEd. Of teachers that responded, 92 percent reported they worked on the weekends and over the summer break. Source: Statehouse Report

The State Law Enforcement Division currently has a backlog of more than 8,000 cases to be tested from all over the state and some sheriffs say the cost of more facilities to test evidence (and thus reducing the backlog should) be paid for by the General Assembly and handed down to the taxpayer. The backlog means that some victims have to wait years for justice. Source: The State

August and September is when naturalists, gardeners, and people in the great outdoors are more likely to see baby copperhead snakes. The bites of a baby copperhead are not worse than the bite of an adult, but it is still a good idea to give them a wide berth. Source: Greenville Online

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