Hospitality, a four-person band with two West Ashley residents, landed on Time‘s 10 Best Songs of the Decade for their song “I Miss Your Bones.” To the surprise of the band, the indie-rock foot-tapper was listed alongside mega hits “Rolling in the Deep,” “Old Town Road,” and “Ain’t It Fun.”

“We haven’t been super active as a band in four or five years,” says drummer Nathan Michel. “We used to get on end-of-the-year lists, but since we haven’t done much in a while, it’s fun to get back into that world.”

“I Miss Your Bones” was written by guitarist/vocalist Amber Papini for the 2014 LP Trouble, released on Merge Records. Papini and Michel, who are also husband and wife, are currently music educators in Charleston.

Time‘s list notes that Hospitality is a Brooklyn trio, which is partially true. During some of the band’s formative years, Papini and Michael were set up in New York with bassist Brian Betancourt. In 2014, one year after “I Miss Your Bones” dropped, they moved to Charleston, where Michael was originally from, and began touring in support of Trouble.

Michel believes that Hospitality will reunite one day, but says that nothing is in the foreseeable future.

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