Joe Biden won S.C.’s Democratic primary on Saturday, getting 48 percent of the vote. The second place finisher, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, walked away with 19.9 percent of the vote just ahead of billionaire Tom Steyer. Source: Charleston City Paper

A day after coming in fourth in the South Carolina primary, former Mayor Pete Buttigieg dropped out of the race on Sunday, setting up a more-direct clash between moderate Democrats behind Biden and more-liberal wing of the party who are split between Sanders and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Source: LA Times

A clear two-person race between Biden and a splintered liberal base could lead the former vice president to have a clearer case for a brokered convention when Democrats convene in Milwaukee this summer. Source: Vox

Steyer also dropped out of the race shortly after it was called in South Carolina on Saturday. Source: NYT

After problematic caucuses, S.C.’s largely problem-free primary was attributed to new voting equipment and training polling staff. Source: Index Journal

Gov. Henry McMaster called for the state’s Public Health Emergency Plan Committee to meet due to concerns about the coronavirus. The committee includes the state’s emergency agencies, a doctor who is an expert in infectious diseases, a hospital official, a coroner, and more. Source: AP

The 2020 census will begin on March 12. Households can go online to to fill out the information before July 31. Source: NPR

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