Posted inFeedback File, Music+Clubs

Gaillard Center offering free lesson plans covering Shakespeare, Ranky Tanky, and hip-hop

With students learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gaillard Center‘s Education and Community program is offering arts education lesson plans for all grades on their website.

Sterling deVries, director of education, and Stephanie Creger, education coordinator, curated a number of performance videos and prepared lesson plans that are all available without charge. Some artists featured in the lessons include popular music scene mainstays like artists-in-residence Marcus Amaker and Charlton Singleton.

Teacher guides and lesson plans are available for most grade levels on a plethora of topics from Shakespeare to hip-hop.

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Posted inFeedback File, Music+Clubs

Gaillard Center offering free lesson plans covering Shakespeare, Ranky Tanky, and hip-hop

Shelby Del Vecchio file photo

With students learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gaillard Center‘s Education and Community program is offering arts education lesson plans for all grades on their website.

Sterling deVries, director of education, and Stephanie Creger, education coordinator, curated a number of performance videos and prepared lesson plans that are all available without charge. Some artists featured in the lessons include popular music scene mainstays like artists-in-residence Marcus Amaker and Charlton Singleton.

Teacher guides and lesson plans are available for most grade levels on a plethora of topics from Shakespeare to hip-hop.

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