Posted inFeedback File, Music+Clubs

ONE AT A TIME: Pierce Alexander puts the world “On Hold” and Marcus Amaker shows “Survival Skills” in this week’s singles

“Mega Hot Super Babe,” Little Bird
Good Lord, Little Bird really gave us something to jam out to this quarantine, didn’t they? “Mega Hot Super Babe” gets you groovin’ from the moment it starts and keeps getting better with a jazzy, funky, all around cool sound. Not to mention its playful lyrics about attraction will get you dancing and feeling like a mega hot super babe.

“On Hold,” Pierce Alexander
There’s some optimism circulating around our world as people get comfortable, but “On Hold” reminds us that this is a very unsettling and scary time. Musically, Pierce Alexander matches the lyrics and tone of the song completely with long interludes and a haunting intro. It’s honest and true, stating the uncertainty that many feel right now.

“Survival Skills,” Marcus Amaker
Talk about eerie. “Survival Skills” layers sounds upon sounds over a repeated few measures creating something interesting and slightly chilling. Layered in the song are samplings from recent news broadcasts about the threat of COVID-19 and the potential for a worsened situation if guidelines are not followed. This cautionary song urges us to stay home and might just spook us out enough to keep us there.

“Can I be the 1? (feat. Youngster)” Persona La Ave
Persona la Ave does it again, giving yet another song to chill us all out. “Can I be the 1?” is sleepy and enchanting, calming us down with each line of echoey vocals and pleasing clicks and snaps. In times like these, simple songs, about anything but the virus, might just be what we all need.


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Posted inFeedback File, Music+Clubs

ONE AT A TIME: Pierce Alexander puts the world "On Hold" and Marcus Amaker shows "Survival Skills" in this week's singles

Woodchuck x Chucktown Underground

“Mega Hot Super Babe,” Little Bird
Good Lord, Little Bird really gave us something to jam out to this quarantine, didn’t they? “Mega Hot Super Babe” gets you groovin’ from the moment it starts and keeps getting better with a jazzy, funky, all around cool sound. Not to mention its playful lyrics about attraction will get you dancing and feeling like a mega hot super babe.

“On Hold,” Pierce Alexander
There’s some optimism circulating around our world as people get comfortable, but “On Hold” reminds us that this is a very unsettling and scary time. Musically, Pierce Alexander matches the lyrics and tone of the song completely with long interludes and a haunting intro. It’s honest and true, stating the uncertainty that many feel right now.

“Survival Skills,” Marcus Amaker
Talk about eerie. “Survival Skills” layers sounds upon sounds over a repeated few measures creating something interesting and slightly chilling. Layered in the song are samplings from recent news broadcasts about the threat of COVID-19 and the potential for a worsened situation if guidelines are not followed. This cautionary song urges us to stay home and might just spook us out enough to keep us there.

“Can I be the 1? (feat. Youngster)” Persona La Ave
Persona la Ave does it again, giving yet another song to chill us all out. “Can I be the 1?” is sleepy and enchanting, calming us down with each line of echoey vocals and pleasing clicks and snaps. In times like these, simple songs, about anything but the virus, might just be what we all need.


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