Today the Coastal Community Foundation (CCF) announced local artist Morgan Kinne as the recipient of the 2020 Griffith-Reyburn Lowcountry Artist of the Year award. The $6,000 grant is awarded annually, supporting the creation of an artist’s new work that represents an aspect of the Lowcountry’s lifestyle, culture, or environment.

Kinne works primarily as a sculptor, but she also creates paintings, drawings, and mixed media works. For the Griffith-Reyburn Awards she plans to create a sculpture exploring Charleston’s architectural themes. The piece will reflect the way the city’s buildings impact class, race, and equity.

In a press release Kinne explains her plans for the piece: “I want to present and engage the community with all aspects of Charleston life — the beauty, of course, but also more uncomfortable themes like rising waters, inequity and overdevelopment. The sculpture I am creating is ambitious in scale and concept, addressing a wide spectrum of Charleston life, aesthetics, and history.”

Once completed in fall 2020, Kinne’s sculpture will remain her personal property to keep, show, or sell. Check out all of Kinne’s work online.

The Coastal Community Foundation is a local nonprofit that works to “create vibrant communities by united people and investing resources” in Lowcountry counties. Learn more about the foundation online.

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