Buxton Books will host a book launch with Brad Taylor Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. at The Harbour Club | Provided

Charleston-based, New York Times-bestselling author Brad Taylor is on the verge of releasing his 17th novel, a continuation of his Pike Logan series.The latest thriller in the series is called The Devil’s Ranson: A Pike Logan Novel and is scheduled for release Jan. 24.

Buxton Books will host a book launch with Taylor Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. at The Harbour Club.

“Pike Logan is a former special operations soldier with a little bit of a troubled history,” Taylor said. “Now out of the military, he — and his partner, Jennifer Cahill — are members of a counter-terrorist unit called Project Prometheus, colloquially known by its unclassified nickname, the Taskforce.” 

In the novel, Logan and the taskforce race to stop an insidious attack orchestrated by a man who knows America’s most treasured secrets.

Taylor’s new book is set to be released Jan. 24

Taylor, a 21-year veteran of the U.S. Army Infantry and Special Forces, draws on his own experiences to detail current events involving the U.S. military throughout the novel. 

Taylor worked as a security consultant on asymmetric threats for various agencies after retiring in 2010. The author incorporates aspects of this career in his writing as well. 

“The [Taskforce] unit [in the book] is a fusion of United States’ intelligence and direct-action capabilities that operates outside normal channels, which is to say, outside our constitution. Their mandate is worldwide,” Taylor said. 

Following the release of The Devil’s Ranson: A Pike Logan Novel, Taylor has plans to continue the riveting action series. 

“I’m currently banging away on the next Pike Logan adventure involving Ukraine, Russia and a real-world legacy USSR nuclear response capability known as the Dead Hand,” Taylor said. 

The book is priced at $32 and available at local bookstores as well as online at bradtaylorbooks.com. Tickets to the book launch are $20 general admission or $32 for general admission and one copy of Taylor’s book.

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