Opponents can gripe all they want about the two-party system — at least it narrows the field for the voters. Having 14 candidates for the Charleston County School Board race is made even more complicated by the further division of the candidates into four different regions that are still voted on countywide. Vying for two seats to represent East Cooper are incumbents Gregg Meyers and Susan Simons and challengers Robin Beard and Arthur Ravenel Jr. Incumbent Lurline Fishburne is defending her downtown seat from Douglas Berger, Jo Anne Cannon, Toya Hampton Green, and Marian Mentavlos. Ray Toler is running unopposed to represent the north area and Sandi Engelman faces challengers Ruth Jordan, Kay Kernodle, and Ann Oplinger. Forget the first bunch of candidates already? Don’t worry, we have, too. We asked each of the candidates to respond to a few questions on the hottest issues, including what they really thought about the A-Team of Arthur Ravenel, Robin Beard, Lurline Fishburne, and Ray Toler. Hopefully, by the end, the candidates’ names and intentions will be seared into your head.

Read the rest of “School Bored?” in PDF format here

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