Local musician and Windjammer staffer Karl Shuman recently announces the kick-off of a summer-long, weekly “Open Mic Night” series at the Windjammer every Tuesday evening. “I started this at the Windjammer several years ago and it has taken off over the past couple years with some incredible talent,” says the host.

Shuman, a Boston native who got his start in music while in college in Morgantown, W. Va., acts as sound guy, emcee, and referee — and things go quite smoothly for such a busy session. A sign up sheet goes up at 9 p.m. and the music begins at 10 p.m. Extra seating is available. Performers must bring their own instruments (no full drum kits, but hand percussion is fine). All styles are welcome.

“Normally, I start the night off with a few tunes, work the crowd a bit, and explain what the night entails. Normally everyone gets to play three to five songs. If the crowd is into a particular act, I try to give them a few more. I usually have time for about 10 acts. There’s a lot of great talent out there and it’s a great way for newcomers to get over the normal fears of performing on a stage and dealing with stage fright.”

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