If by some evil twist of fate (or miracle, if you want to be like that), you missed last week’s 2013 Election Issue featuring a grim reaper Mark Smith or pizza costume-clad Benjamin D’Allesandro, be sure to take a spin through our Mount P and Charleston voter guides before you go to the polls by tonight at 7 p.m.

Today, Charleston voters will choose new city council members in even-numbered districts across the city (that’s 2, 4, 6, and 8) and weigh in on the three-way race for commissioner of public works. We’ve got a detailed profile of the candidates in the contested races right here.

For CPW, incumbent William Koopman, who has the backing of Mayor Joe Riley, is fielding challengers in Catherine LaFond and council veteran Tim Mallard. Charleston attorney LaFond’s entry into the race earned it recognition as one of “10 races to watch” by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, a Washington D.C. group that helps get LGBT candidates candidates nationwide elected. Mallard, a one-termer on city council from 2007-2011 that made no bones about butting heads with Mayor Riley, is seeking to re-enter politics after deciding not to run for re-election three years ago.

Mount Pleasant voters will see a crowded ballot when they step into their suburban ballot box today, with eight candidates running for four at-large town council seats (meaning voters can support up to four candidates), and five shoot to be king of the mountain as Mayor Billy Swails steps aside after one term in office.

Elsewhere in the area, the towns of Awendaw, Isle of Palms, Lincolnville, McClellanville, Ravenel, Rockville, and Seabrook as well as Dorchester County also have elections or ballot measures to be decided.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. today.

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