Wednesday night I decided to head to Redux to feel out their RIP City sketch comedy show. One duo, consisting of marionettes (basically repurposed baby dolls) had an awesome little dialog that was kind of like an annoying conversation you might hear in a dog park. Think: “Can you say … Can you say …” Well, no, they cannot, they are babies, but the obnoxiousness was hilarious.

Another performer played an alcoholic. She had been to Vegas and had just vomited in what took the shape of a Star of David, which gave her spirituality, or so she said. This scene was more like SNL’s Mary Katherine Gallagher, but on the sauce. She was also a part-time yoga instructor, but instructed us that she was not teaching that night. She had a lot going on.

Moving on, I went to the Movers and Shakers relaunch party at Palmetto Brewing on Thursday night. Movers and Shakers is typically a monthly event that corrals entrepreneurs and idea heads at one event to network. We mixed and mingled and enjoyed Cast Iron food truck that was on hand to serve dinner to attendees. While the rain did delay the event, once things got going the band was on point and reminded me of mostly any awesome wedding band you have ever encountered.

It was back to Redux on Friday to take in opening night of Marc Mitchell and Derek Larson’s A Monk Texting exhibit. The show was about personal surveillance and the artists logged what they had done in their personal lives over the course of producing the work. Their show featured an interesting collection of mixed media in vibrant colors to LCD screens incorporated into the pieces themselves. Other pieces included a giant neon “chandelier” that contained mainly bits of chains and no actual lighting. The artists’ concept was both interesting and funny. Given all of the ways you can update yourself on social media, they decided to do so with one another. Each piece had a log of what was done and the time it took to create it. For example, one work, “Celebration” took approximately 15 days, 10 pepperoni pizzas, 12 beers, 8 miles ran, 107 hours at work, and 29 hours online. The social media updates were good to know, though probably less loathsome than your Facebook friends’ Crossfit status check-ins.

Sunday we gave it the ol’ college try. Despite the monsoon, Midtown threw down and the back lot was lined with a massive inflatable water slide next to an inflatable obstacle course. T-shirts were provided and needed, as every attendee was soaked. There was a dunk tank, though I refused to go in it. I was almost certain for a minute that someone drowned. Luckily, we all made it out OK.

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