With her inaugural FAB conference for women in the hospitality industry just three months away, founder Randi Weinstein is in the thick of planning, producing, and promoting. And so it is she landed a spot on food radio station Heritage Radio’s “All in the Industry” show, a program hosted by by Shari Bayer all about restaurant/hospitality professionals and their stories.

Tomorrow, Wed. March 29 at 4 p.m., Bayer will interview Weinstein, asking her all about the FAB conference, a two-day event in Charleston where an-all female lineup of leading minds in American food will speak to female F&B guests, in addition to her upcoming Brooklyn pop-up, the challenges facing women hospitality employees, and more.

“I also want to talk with you about some scholarships we will be offering to FAB,” says Weinstein. “We will be taking applications and possibly aligning it with the Center for Women’s entrepreneurship program.”

To hear the interview, visit heritageradionetwork.org tomorrow at 4 p.m. And to get more details on FAB, taking place June 11-13, visit thisisfab.com.

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