There’s something special about picking out your own Christmas tree each year. You grab the family, you bundle up (or think about how nice that feeling must be), and head to a local tree farm to chop down the fragrant fir.

If that sounds like a hell of a lot of work, though, we’re here to let you know that you can make tree pick-up a lot easier with local frozen treat company King of Pops, whose seasonal side gig, Tree Elves,  offers premium X-mas trees for pick up or delivery. Just head online to to place your order.

You can order a fresh Fraser wreath ($25); get the “complete kit” of delivery of a tree, set up, a pop pack, and tree retrieval ($70); order a holiday King of Pops four pack ($12); or get the Tree Elf trimming bash ($260) which includes an office or house tree-trimming party, with an elf serving up holiday pops.

Follow along with the Elves on their Instagram.

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