As Charleston City Council weighs whether to jumpstart a change in the direction of West Ashley development tonight, it will also consider a building moratorium on Johns Island. Source: P&C

A poll taken by the Morning Consult from October through December last year shows that 25 percent of S.C. voters polled didn’t know of or had no opinion of S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster, the third highest “Don’t Know/No Opinion” figure of any U.S. governor. At least six candidates are seeking to unseat McMaster, with a new Republican joining the party primary free-for-all yesterday. Source: The State, Morning Consult

Despite a full-court press from Dominion Energy in the legislature and across nearly every media outlet in the state to push along its acquisition of SCANA, state Senate President Pro Tem Hugh Leatherman suggested that the state take more time to review the SCE&G parent company’s handling of the failed V.C. Summer nuclear plant. In Aiken yesterday, McMaster said “several” parties remain interested. Source: P&C, Aiken Standard

P&C Editorial Board calls a sentence for Rick and Richard Quinn yesterday in which both avoided spending any time in jail, “a setback” for the special prosecutor tasked with targeting Statehouse corruption. Source: P&C

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