[embed-1] Local nonprofit Amor Healing Kitchen is a top 10 finalist in Rachael Ray’s second annual Feed it Forward contest for grassroots charity organizations. The organization that receives the most “likes” on Facebook will receive $5,000. Monday is the last day to vote.

Amor’s philanthropic mission is two-tiered: teach teens how to volunteer and harvest nutritious, healthy food that will in turn be served to people facing serious health challenges.

Executive director of Amor Maria Kelly told Rachael Ray’s campaign: “We prepare healthy, healing meals for people who are undergoing or recovering from cancer treatments or a cancer diagnosis. The meals are delivered once a week to our clients’ homes. All of our meals are prepared by our teen chefs and kitchen mentors. We cook  on a farm and the volunteers see many of the ingredients growing straight from the source. We have to make our meals inexpensive so our volunteers in turn learn that eating healthy does not have to be expensive and the recipes are easy! We make everything from scratch including pasta and pizza dough, so all of our volunteers learn those skills as well. Many of our Teen Chefs are now considering a career in the culinary arts.”

To vote for Amor (they’re currently in third place) go to the Rachael Ray Every Day mag Facebook page and “like” the Amor logo.

Go ahead and “Like” this logo on the Rachael Ray Every Day Facebook page:

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