The Town of Folly Beach is planning on reversing the lanes on Folly Road after the Fourth of July fireworks on Thursday night. From 9 to 11 p.m., inbound traffic to Folly Beach will be stopped at Bowens Island Road so that people can leave the island quickly. Source: Live 5

Volvo’s Berkeley County-made S60 sedan was one of the company’s fastest-selling cars in June. Source: P&C

South Carolina has ranked as the eighth-deadliest state to drive in during Fourth of July. A gentle reminder: it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol level of more than .08 percent. Source: Live 5

Bree Newsome Bass, the activist-artist who scaled the flag pole at the S.C. Statehouse and removed the Confederate flag, tweeted that after four years, she has received her possessions back that had been logged as evidence and that they would be going to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. Source: P&C [embed-1]

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