Dockery’s is hosting a songwriting contest from now until Sept. 13, and anyone who writes and performs original music is welcome to compete.

Daniel Island restaurant Dockery’s promises: food, beer, and music. And after making it easy for music lovers to enjoy shows, they’re now giving them an opportunity to participate as well.

“To be honest, we got into some arguments about who the songwriter was going to be, so we decided to let the national guys decide for us,” GM Chuck Isenburg comments. The panel of judges will be composed of three Grammy Award-winning songwriters, Clay Mills, Steve Dean, and Billy Montana.

Winners will get to perform with the judges at Dockery’s and at shows throughout October. Competing songwriters can submit their music up to midnight on September 13. Songs will not be judged based on performance or production.

For more information, and to take the first step in letting the world hear your music, head online.

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