The S.C. Administrative Law Court ruled on Tuesday that Amazon has to collect taxes on purchases made from third-party vendors on their site. The Revenue Department will now have to figure out how much Amazon should pay in back taxes. Source: AP

Publix Supermarkets has asked customers not to open carry firearms in their stores, with an exception for law enforcement officers. Source: WSPA

Motley Rice, a Mt. Pleasant law firm, filed a lawsuit after Sept. 11, 2001 against entities that helped finance the attack on behalf of those who lost loved ones. Eighteen years after the attack, the court case is still ongoing. Source: P&C

SLED is once again investigating the Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office, formerly held by now-prisoner Dan Johnson. The agency is investigating allegations against a worker in the office. Former prosecutor Johnson was sentenced to a year and a day in prison for wire fraud after he stole $44,000. Source: AP

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham is facing calls to apologize for posing with Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician who is known for his Islamophobic views. Graham has since said he did not know who the Wilders was, saying, “I’m an incredibly talented person. I like me a lot, but I’m not an expert on Netherlands politics.” Source: Island Packet

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