Masks from China. South Carolina officials have accepted 1.5 million surgical masks from China, 100,000 of which will go to MUSC. Source: AP

Opening Folly? At their Monday night meeting, Folly Beach City Council will discuss the timeline for opening the beach. Source: Live 5

(W)all out of luck.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ proposed $1.75 billion seawall would not protect the South Carolina Aquarium, the port terminal, the International African American Museum, or much of the Neck area. Source: P&C

New Mt. Pleasant high school. Charleston County School District expects to open its first new high school in 10 years in the fall. The coronavirus has not slowed down the construction of Lucy Garrett Beckham High School, which broke ground two years ago in Mount Pleasant. Source: Live 5

While the humans are away, the animals will play. Alligators have been spotted sunbathing on closed beaches across the state. On Saturday, a juvenile gator was escorted off of Kiawah’s beach via a trash can. Source: The State


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