This Memorial Day weekend is normally when local retailer J. Stark celebrates their anniversary. This year, though, they’re doing things a little differently and taking the fun online.

It all starts May 22 with a raffle and a pretty sweet grand prize: The big winner walks away with almost one of everything from J. Stark’s product line (valued at over $2,000).

Tune into J. Stark’s ‘gram at noon on Friday; you can participate in the raffle for one week, with a chance to win the grand prize or walk away with “hefty” second and third place prizes.

J. Stark will also be doing an IG Live collaboration with Lowcountry Local First, auctioning custom backpack designs to benefit LLF.

While the store’s new King Street location is temporarily closed due to the coronavirus, J. Stark plans on hosting a virtual six-year anniversary party featuring local bartender Joey Goetz, who has bartended all of J. Stark’s parties. Goetz will whip up a cocktail from Bar George while updating J. Stark fans on the new James Island bar set to open soon.

Stay tuned to J. Stark’s Instagram for more party deets.

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