
The new Wear Their Names jewelry series features pieces made from broken glass two local creatives gathered from the aftermath of the destructive May 30 riots in downtown Charleston. Paul Chelmis (of band Human Resources) and Jing Wen recently founded Shan Shui, a jewelry company that features handcrafted fine metal wearables, with Wear Their Names as their first line.
Chelmis said he and Wen gathered the shards of class during the May 31 cleanup of King Street. "Since then we've been working up these designs, sort of a symbol of repurposing new beauty from the rubble," he said.

All proceeds from each sale will be donated to the Black Lives Matter movement. Chelmis hopes to raise $20,000.

You can choose from eight jewelry designs, and each piece is made to order. The designs are named after black men and women who have lost their lives to police brutality. The Trayvon features a glass pendant on a silver chain while the Gabriella is a ring made with sterling silver.

Learn more about Shan Shui online at

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