Extra Sauce will start in June | Graft Instagram

Graft Wine Shop is now accepting a limited number of subscriptions for Extra Sauce, the King Street shop’s first foray into the wine club membership space. Starting in June, subscribers can expect to receive three-to-four wines per month, along with extras like a custom Extra Sauce J. Stark tote bag, recipes for pairings and more for $120-per-month. 

According to Graft co-owner Femi Oyediran, Extra Sauce “will be a great opportunity to get some really great wines in people’s hands.” 

“Consider it a ‘wine playlist.’ You’ll get a mix of wines that we think are must-haves to drink at home or with friends that want to tag along for the ride,” Oyediran and co-owner Miles White wrote about Extra Sauce. “Some of these wines will be exclusive to club members and unavailable for retail purchase. We’ll pick out different colors, themes, regions, and growers. All you need is to bring is your curiosity.” 

Here’s how the subscription works: Oyediran and White will pick out wines they’re interested in each month, and the bottles will come with a “fun and informative” description card that will include tips on cuisine to pair with the wine.

Subscribers must be local, and pick-ups will take place the first Wednesday of each month, starting June 2. The shop is also offering 10% off all retail purchases for Extra Sauce members. 

For more information, visit graftextrasauce.com.

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