Ladson resident and children’s composer Fernando Rivas has been sentenced to 15 years for two counts of creation,
possession, and distribution of child pornography, according to the Post and Courier. He has confessed to taking photographs of a naked, handcuffed four-year-old girl and emailing them to two other people.

Rivas was arrested following an April 2011 raid of his home, and placed under house arrest in November of the same year. Though he initially entered a plea of not guilty, he changed that to a guilty plea in December of 2012. 

The composer wrote for feature and short films as well as children’s television shows, including Sesame Street and the Disney Channel’s Handy Manny. He also ran a jazz program for Porter-Gaud students from 2000-2009. 

Read our previous coverage of Rivas’ case here.

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